

Friday, January 14, 2011

January 11, 2011

Sunday afternoon around 4:30, the sun has dropped below the trees and I'll bet that the hens will be heading back to their house pretty soon and kitty is curled up in her bed on the porch, the picture of domestic tranquility.

We're much more settled now and most things are out of boxes, but not set where they'll end up. At least we can find most things. The kitchen is pretty well set up. We're keeping cooking very simple until we get some running water. Vegetable soup from the freezer will be tonight's main course along with bread and cheese. Our sitting area is set up, so am zazen tomorrow.

Monday: it felt good to getting back into a day starting with zazen.

It's about 11 am Tuesday. Very overcast with a chance of snow turning to rain, right now it's 29 so the chance of snow seems to be receding.

Yesterday we got our new pump and pressure tank installed, so we are basking in the luxury of hot and cold running water. No more trips to the pond with 5 gallon buckets. The feel of a warm shower is greatly appreciated and not taken for granted, although I'm sure that as time rolls on I will fall back into taking it for granted. Right now I am appreciating all these little luxuries I have and that most people in this world do not have.

We had our first house guest yesterday. Richard Haefele got here in the afternoon: a good dinner, good coversation, just plain good company. After morning coffee we did morning zazen. He's on his way now to the Portland area. He and Joan may stop by on their way back to the Bay Area.

I'm experiencing an interesting feeling about getting settled here. It's not so much getting boxes unpacked, but it's more about dealing with the well pump and the people who got the water flowing again. We even had a bit of drama about when the pump would get replaced as Bill's (he's the well man) daughter was about ready to give birth to his first grandchild and being there for the birth was his first priority and his assistant was his son-in-law Tanner, the expectant father of the to be born Will. Being part of this small drama and having Richard stay with us made this place feel much more like our home.

I just noticed that it is now snowing. I look out from my desk across the lawn and see a steady and gentle snow falling against the backdrop of the firs in our woods. A couple of hours later it's still snowing, but the temperature has gone up to 33, whether any accumulates it's just nice to watch not thinking of having to go anywhere. Maybe the half mile down the road to the mailbox.

The snow's stopped so now as I look out from my desk I see a robin furiously going at whatever is under some leaf litter. As I'm watching this another bird tried to get through the windows, it looked like a bushtit, but I'm unsure. As I usually see these in groups and there were no others around I'm guessing it's another of the neighbors I'll have to get to know. As he/she goes off I see a varied thrush working on the lawn.

The hens are now outside my window. They seem to be an aimless lot, appearing not to know what to do next. It's very entertaining out here.

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