I've changed the picture today. This is the drive up to our house. Some have asked about the previous picture. It is not our house, we call it the Yellow Cottage (it's small, 9x12) and we hope to set it up for people to stay.
what wonderful images this conjures up. i took a minute to read it when i was feeling particularly cranky and harrassed. as an ex-office manager you are probably one of the few people that can truly understand. anyway, i feel nourished and lifted up by your descriptions of your new life. a hug to catherine as well.
what wonderful images this conjures up. i took a minute to read it when i was feeling particularly cranky and harrassed. as an ex-office manager you are probably one of the few people that can truly understand. anyway, i feel nourished and lifted up by your descriptions of your new life. a hug to catherine as well.